A New Dawn It is a daunting and crushing moment to realize how long it has taken a modern culture to take responsibility for establishing equality among it citizens. After a tortured and long process of street demonstrations, a costly national referendum and a parliamentary debate this 21st century democracy wiggled and struggled to legalize

The Soweto Pride is on this weekend and just two years after it was forced to shut down it is celebrating its biggest event yet.
For the first time ever the Soweto Pride will run over three days and feature a parade, camping and after-party.
Soweto is a township in the South African city of Johannesburg. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soweto) Soweto Pride first started in 2004, but in 2016, authorities denied giving permits to organize the event. Within two years though it has managed to become a massive celebration.
Not for profit organization The Forum for the Empowerment of Women (FEW) which supports lesbian and bi women is running Soweto Pride. This year it’s making a point of making space for black LGBTI women and other ‘sidelined minorities’ after those groups complained about feeling left out of Johannesburg Pride.
‘For years, FEW has worked on advancing and defending the rights of black lesbian women and highlighting the violations faced by this particular community in the townships due to their sexual orientation,’ FEW’s Siphokazi Nombande told Mamba Online. ‘When Soweto Pride was initiated in 2004, the idea was to bring about visibility of lesbian women in the townships and to also work towards reclaiming our voices in our communities.’
Gays, Ship Cruises and Homophobia in the Caribbean
Gays, Ship Cruises and Homophobia in the Caribbean Slipping into port and out of mind Four friends of mine, all hard-working professionals, recently completed a cruise on one of the many mega-ships that sail among the hundred islands in the Caribbean Sea, many of which are little countries with their own languages, laws and currency.
Hong Kong Celebrates LGBT Pink Dot Festival
Despite Hong Kong officially being in communist China the LGBT community and supporters mounted another colorful Pink Dot festival on Sunday Sept 20. We were there to support our HK friends and the thousands of other ‘Pink Friends’ who lead the way–with Shanghai and Beijing–toward equal rights in China. This festival is a far cry
Greg Louganis Finds the Love of His life, Johnny Chaillot
Here is the dramatic story about Greg Louganis’ husband. I met them at the Gay Games last year where Louganis received a well-deserved long standing ovation when he appeared to give a speech at the opening ceremony. Here is the story of Johnny Chaillot-Louganis who survived hurricane Katrina and an emotional aftermath.
Humans and Their Sexual Primate Cousins
FYI: for those who think humans are superior and separate from other primates, here are our cousins: BONOBO Apes Bonobo communities are peace loving and generally egalitarian. The strongest social bonds (blue) are those among females (green), although females also bond with males. The status of a male (purple) depends on the position of his
Uzbekistan Museum Under Threat
We were there! Every once is a while a bizarre junction of past travels and present drama comes into notice. This story is about a far-west museum in Uzbekistan swirling in controversy because corrupt state officials are trying to steal and sell fine art from the museum’s wonderful collection by Igor Savitsky (photo below). We
How Changeable is Gender?
In today’s NYTimes is an article about gender dysphoria and treatments for transgender desire. There are indeed numerous variations to gender, as noted here. The article focuses on dysphoric people who ‘suffer’ and what the options are. In addition to these folks there are countless men who express themselves in a ‘nellie’ or feminine manner
Almost Murdered by His Own Father
This is actual and real; and it is also the story of ‘Everygayman’ from any psychotic religion-polluted society that is blind to the varieties of human nature. I had a Turkish gay friend who was murdered by his father on the streets of Istanbul. I currently have a friend from Yemen who escaped being killed
Traveling to Homophobic Destinations–or Not
A by-product of homophobia is a backlash of hysteria from travelers who over-simplify and exaggerate homophobia in foreign countries. As the owner and writer for GlobalGayz.com (a LGBT travel and culture website) I have been to most countries. See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/07/22/why-gay-honeymooners-should-stop-avoiding-countries-with-anti-lgbt-laws/ I have never encountered in-my-face discrimination traveling alone or with my husband. During my visits
Italy Resists Recognition of Homosexuality
It’s no surprise that Italy is so resistant to LGBT issues. It has been the home country of one of the world’s most homophobic religions for nearly two millennia, plenty of time to infuse and distort the culture’s appreciation of human nature (and not just regarding sexuality). Now those antique prejudices are being confronted with
North Carolina Legislature Votes for Bigotry
Many steps forward, one step backward, in North Carolina. How deeply are those NC law-makers stained by distorted religion to invalidate their intelligent governor and flaunt the US Constitution that unequivocally mandates separation of religious belief systems from secular rights. Where are these dumber-than-dumb legislators coming from; their arrogance to reject the democratic ethics that
European Parliament Pushes for Equaliy–Bravo!
In a landmark vote, the European Parliament has demanded to include LGBT rights in a future EU gender equality strategy. The current strategy for equality between women and men runs out at the end of this year. The report voted yesterday, is the Parliament’s input for the gender equality strategy 2016-2020. Specifically on LGBT issues,
He’s gay, black and Muslim–and Happy
We should put him charge of the Middle East! http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/05/21/and-now-america-an-openly-gay-imam.html?via=desktop&source=email
Donate To This Kickstarter Project
Friends, I have donated to this Kickstarter project. I hope you will too: Today the German film makers Benjamin Cantu and Nils Bökamp launched the Kickstarter campaign “Because of Who I am” to fund 30.000€ for an ambitious worldwide screening tour of their queer art documentary of the same name. In cooperation with several organizations
Homosexuality on Planet Earth
Here’s an interesting read if you believe in some kind of divine being/presence. But I think it’s all a crock of mindless irrational word games. We exist in a universe of sublime infinite space and time with no mythology about a ‘grandaddy’ pulling the strings and making the planet in six days…! http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/12/unraveling-the-church-ban-on-gay-sex/
Baptist College Resists Bigotry; Affirms All Sexualities
Here is a story about a fine and affirming southern Baptist college that will not be intimidated by bigotry and “idolatry of the bible” from fundamentalist anti-gay pastors who cannot see further than the worn out pages of their tattered bibles and rigid dogma. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/03/11/pastors-oppose-lesbian-bishop-speaker-at-baptist-college/24744385/
ISIS Burned Jordanian Pilot Alive
Video shows ISIS Burned Jordanian Pilot Alive If the video is confirmed, this is beyond human cruelty, into pure evil. Another holocaust. I don’t understand why surrounding nations, far and near, cannot mount an enormous combined assault of several hundred thousand military troops against ISIS. The unimpeded progress of ISIS is similar to Nazi aggression
Trans Life in Thailand
I just returned from Bangkok and Jomthien Beach (Pattaya) and I observed seeing more katoeys (trans) persons than ever before–which is a good thing. I am not aware of any witch-hunt for these folks although I did not see the ‘back streets’ of BKK’s LGBT life. The folks I saw were mostly at shops in
Australia Celebrates Queer Indigenous Culture
How fine is this! A very much ignored and under-served LGBT population is receiving recognition in Australia. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/07/02/australia-sydney-opera-house-hosts-festival-celebrating-queer-indigenous-culture/ Also see this report: Aboriginal Queers (From: http://www.globalgayz.com/gay-australia-and-gay-games-vi-2/279/) Appealing and wonderful as the scene was, the folks I wanted to interview in Melbourne were rather unique: Indigenous Aboriginal homosexuals. Prior to arriving for the
Singapore’s Catholic archbishop has spouted his bigoted opinion about LGBT people–again.
Singapore’s Catholic archbishop has spouted his bigoted opinion about LGBT people–again. Why do such ridiculous people get quoted in the media? Dressed in absurd outdated costumes with weird hats their ideas about life are about as modern as their outfits. Look at his photo–is such a person who plays god and dresses like a Harry
Same-sex Marriages Are Validated as Constitutional
Justice Continues to Roll Across the USA June 26, 2014 Today: Gay and lesbian couples have started exchanging vows in Indiana after a federal judge on Wednesday struck down the state’s ban on gay marriage. Today: A federal appeals court on Wednesday affirmed a lower court’s ruling striking down Utah’s ban on gay marriage. “The
GLOBALGAYZ.COM CELEBRATES 15 YEARS ONLINE International Gay Travel-Culture-Rights Website Celebrates 15 Years, 300 Stories and 200 Countries. It started in 1996 with a interview story about a closeted gay Taiwanese couple, one dying of of AIDS. Other stories about gay life followed as Richard Ammon, a retired psychologist, continued to write for a local Orange
The Difference Between Regression and Progress; Between Retrograde Stupidity About Human Sexuality and Intelligent Scientific Evidence
Read Here The Difference Between Regression and Progress; Between Retrograde Stupidity About Human Sexuality and Intelligent Scientific Evidence; Between Russia and USA. Russia Moscow police on Saturday detained two women attempting to hold an unsanctioned Gay Pride demonstration. According to the AP, the demonstration took place across from the Moscow mayor’s office. Reuters reported that
Ugandan Minister to head UN General Assembly — Resist This
This is an outrage that any government official of Uganda should be appointed to a high position at the UN. Uganda has one of the world’s worst human rights records and most inhumane laws that imprisons people just for BEING gay. Read this report and sign the petition. http://www.petertatchellfoundation.org/united-nations/uganda-s-foreign-minister-kutesa-get-top-un-post
Straight Chinese Women Hooked on Gay Erotica
Gay Westerners are not the only ones hooked on fantasy gay erotica. Try straight Chinese women, which, again and again, reveals that human sexuality is wonderfully diverse, individual and magical. http://www.fridae.asia/gay-news/2014/05/28/12632.chinese-women-find-self-emancipation-in-male-gay-erotica
NOM Fined $50K for Illegally Refusing to Disclose Donors in Maine
Nevermind that NOM is virulently hateful and very discriminatory; they defend their illegal behavior by saying they fear donors would be at risk of threats and harassment–the very attitudes they express toward LGBT citizens. It’s hard to be more hypocritical than this! They need to go back to their churches and pray for some sanity
The greater issue of love between two human beings.
While much of the world vilifies us and distorts the truth about same-sex love, America, for all its faults, continues to shift the social paradigm toward equality and justice. The essential issue is not homo-sexuality but the greater issue of love between two human beings. Across many African, European and Asian countries these two natural
Belgium Gay Life and the Out Games 2013
A remarkable double event in Antwerp as it hosted the OutGames 2013 and the affiliated Human Rights Conference themed ‘From Safe Harbor to Equality’. By Richard Ammon GlobalGayz.com September 2013 Being There There was nothing quite like it before or since. As I stepped off the streamline train from the Brussels airport into the
LGBT population has unique religious profile
A recent survey published in the Deseret News (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865581728/Survey-Gay-and-lesbian-population-has-unique-religious-profile.html) reveals LGBT Americans are “less religious than the general population, and as a group, they feel religion is unfriendly toward them.” This comes as no surprise, especially in light of the recent excommunication of a Catholic priest who supported gay rights in public! (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/30/brazil-priest-excommunicated_n_3187812.html) Modern institutional
Religion Clouds Justice Scalia’s Judgment
In today’s New York Times a front page article discussed the presence of openly gay law clerks working at the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. In that story a quotation from Justice Scalia was printed from his 2003 dissent against the Lawrence v Texas (to protect the privacy two consenting adults). He said, “Today’s opinion,”
Dirt, Tribes and Queers–How humanity Loves to Hate Itself
I travel a lot and I wonder a lot: why is there so much hostility, repression and brutality in the world? It’s easy to see from my perspective as a adult gay male, especially in the summer time when many LGBTs mount their festivals and parades. Year after year come the reports of attacks on
Unusual Gay Destinations Worldwide
These days it’s easy enough to find appealing LGBT travel destinations with comfortable lodgings, good food and pleasant tourist site. Whether by cruise ship, plane or on a bicycle the world is clearly accessible to anyone with a budget and desire to see distant places. In addition to the popular ports of call such as
England’s Queen Elizabeth Signs Human Rights Document–Omits Naming Gays
Queen Elizabeth II of England takes a half-step forward against discrimination–signs a 2013 charter addressed to members of the Commonwealth of present and former British-controlled colonies and states. But by not directly mentioning sexual orientation or homosexuality she continues the age-old glacial movement of positive human rights against the darkness of politico-religio-based homophobia. When England
Van Cliburn’s Death is a Great Cultural Loss
He was very much the consummate artist, musician and humanist who proved beyond any doubt that being gay has nothing to do with being a hero, a role model, a benefactor and an asset to American culture. He was far beyond a mere stigmatized label reviled by homophobes who demean and dismiss LGBT people
Very Small Town in Kentucky Makes Very Big Ordinance.
Here is a down home rural story from the highly urban New York Times. The report is a poignant yet positive portrait of very small town America where the Commissioners voted in favor of a ban on discrimination against LGBT citizens of that place. How is this possible? In Kentucky? I think the answer is
America Behind Bars
Yesterday I accompanied my partner to the small (for U.S.) embassy here in Podgorica, Montenegro to deal with a passport issue. (photo right) As usual I expected a prison-like campus surrounded by walls or tall fences. I was not disappointed. Here in this ‘remote’ corner of the Balkan mountains, in a tiny country of fewer
Leo Tolstory and Hoodie Skaters
I am reading a biography of Leo Tolstoy, the irascible and wordy Russian novelist who in his long and restless life went to participate in the Crimean War (1853-56) between Russia and the combined forces France & England, the Ottomans and Sardinians. (photo right) The struggle was for power over territories of the fading Ottoman
Remembering the World War I Dead
By Richard Ammon GlobalGayz.com February 13, 2011 And so time passes from immediate knowing to remembering to gentle memorials to vague history. The holocaust that was World War I is now only a distant glimpse of a time ago as the last surviving veteran of that armageddon has finally died, at the age of 110
Belize LGBT Activists Mount Historic Challenge to Anti-Gay Laws
By Richard Ammon GlobalGayz.com December 1, 2011 A November 16, 2011 Guardian newspaper report announced a new challenge in Belize to its anti-gay laws. The legal suit is the first contest by a new human rights organization that intends to overturn all post-UK former colonies that have laws criminalizing homosexuality. “The Human Dignity Trust (HDT),
Homophobia Kills–International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO), May 17, 2011
By Richard Ammon GlobalGayz.com May 17, 2011 International Day Against Homophobia If you knew this child had a homosexual orientation would you refuse to feed him? to clothe him? to shelter him? put him out of the family? tell him he could not desire love? Think about it: such rejections would kill him. It doesn’t
Malawi Lovers Gay Jailed for Love
By Richard Ammon GlobalGayz.com December 2009 (Note: Tiwonge and Steven were released from jail in May 29, 2010 by Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika; see story) As if the homophobic proposals (to kill gays) in the Ugandan legislature weren’t bad enough–at least they are only proposals at this time–now comes the incredible action taken by a
Religious Fairy Tales vs Gay Marriage
Richard Ammon GlobalGayz.com May 13, 2010 Today’s news brought a hysterically horrid report about the Pope in Portugal. He called for pastoral action to tackle abortion and same-sex marriage, which he called “some of today’s most insidious and dangerous threats to the common good“. (Insidious means: harmful but enticing; seductive; having a gradual and cumulative
Leo Tolstoy and Russian Soup
Richard Ammon GlobalGayz.com I recently traveled to Russia where I visited three cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tula. Tula? It’s hardly a tourist hotspot, but this industrial city 120 miles south of Moscow is the location of a world renown site that has become a shrine of sorts for intellectuals, students and lovers of Russian
Being Gay is Political–Like It or Not
Richard Ammon. GlobalGayz.com January 11, 2010 Someone recently reviewed my website, GlobalGayz.com, and thought it was not focused well. Was it a gay site? A travel site? A human rights advocacy site? A political site? A news reports site? My reply was short: being openly gay at the turn of the 21st is a political
New Year, Full Moon
Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.com Laguna Beach, California, January 1, 2010 5 AM before sunrise, Southern California A brilliant white glowing moon hangs, seemingly weightless, on the edge of deep space, over the Pacific Ocean, its luminescence reflected in the rippling water. The dark gray-blue sky is cloudless. The moon is completely full round. The air is
Uganda: Stealing the Spotlight From President Museveni
Neophyte Legislator Proposes Deadly Laws Against Gays: Unleashes International Protest Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz Laguna Beach, CA Yoweri Museveni has been president of Uganda for 24 years in a country that had suffered decades of government corruption, mismanagement, bloody guerilla activity and civil war, all preceded by the the horrors of the Idi Amin tyranny in
Human Myths That Make Us Inhumane
Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.com New York City I am continually saddened by how far and deep irrational thought (myth) can infuse a society, especially regarding a political or religious issue. Gay marriage is one issue that arouses irrational political and religious discomfort. It’s an issue that burns because it involves or implies human sexual behavior, which
Another Gay Ambassador Appointed
Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.com Laguna Beach California Now for some good news among the waves of homophobia swirling around these days, especially from Africa. The new USA ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa was sworn in the other day. Not a major political jolt or international flap but a decidedly moving event considering that the new
New Hate Crimes Bill: New Era of Civil Rights Recognition for LGBT Americans (?)
From: Examiner.com October 31, 2009 Sonoma County (California) Civil Rights Examiner By Megan Cofey The expanded federal Hate Crime Prevention Act, named for 1998 victims Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. and signed into law by President Obama on October 28, may end up being much more significant than its scope would suggest. Although the
Death of Important Gay ‘Hero’ Keith Goddard of Zimbawe
Westhampton, MA – October 13, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com Yesterday I received the very sad news about the death of LGBT leader Keith Goddard, director of GALZ (Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe). GlobalGayz was privileged to meet and interview with Keith in the spring of 2009. He was comfortable to be with, witty and
Olympic Committee Should Monitor Host Countries on Human Rights
Human Rights Watch New York October 7, 2009 Olympic Congress Should Adopt a Plan to Oversee Human Rights Environment for the Olympic Games The Copenhagen Olympic Congress should create a permanent mechanism to monitor human rights in host countries before, during and after Olympic Games. Human Rights Watch, which has submitted a proposal to the
Coming Out at 13 Years Old – an Eternal Truth
Westhampton, MA – September 30, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com The September 27, 2009 New York Times Magazine cover story of a 13 year-old boy who has come out at school is notable in many ways: -it was published by America’s premier newspaper -it was made a daring headline story with photos -it’s about homosexual
The Complex Mind of a Nobel Prize Scientist, Demonized as a Pedophile
Westhampton, MA – September 27, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com This is a very sad story of world-class Nobel recipient gay man whose decades-long research made significant discoveries into a degenerative brain disease that struck particularly at children known as kuru–now known as the deadly Mad Cow Disease. For his work on kuru, Dr. Daniel
Bush starts war, retires in luxury; protester throw shoes, goes to jail + tortured
Westhampton, MA – September 14, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com Don’t you just love the values and justice of our modern political world: Bush started a war on false pretenses resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent people and got to retire in luxury, and a protesting journalist who opposed the war got thrown
Italy Grapples With Priest Sex Abuse and Cover Up
Westhampton, MA – September 14, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com Quoted here are excerpts from the Associated Press of September 14, 2009 and published by the New York Times. It is easy to be cynical and exaggerate the extent of abuse by clergy against children but that serves no purpose other than creating more abuse,
UK Government Aplogy to WW2 Hero Alan Turing
Westhampton, MA – September 11, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com On September 10, 2009, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown officially apologized to Alan Turing for the UK Government’s persecution of this WWII hero because of his homosexuality. Turing brilliantly invented his ‘Turing Bombe’ that crucially helped crack the German Enigma coded messages (sometimes thousands
A Murdered Friend, His Hate-filled Parents, and Lives Lost to Homophobia
Westhampton, MA – September 11, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com (See the recent, 2011, film about Ahmet’s murder: Zenne Dancer; also, website for the film) This is a very sad story, about a father and a son, a family and a culture torn by blind hatred. Last year during a visit to Istanbul, Turkey my
Homophobic Discrimination Against Straight Athlete
Westhampton, MA – September 4, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com The Amateur Boxing Association of Thailand (ABAT) has discriminated against a straight boxer for posing suggestively for the cover of a gay magazine. This is a new take on homophobic discrimination: instead of acting prejudicially against a gay person, the ABAT has discriminated against a
In loving memory of Zambian lesbian activist Buumba Sikumba
In loving memory of Zambian lesbian activist Buumba Sikumba (BMJ) who was interviewed by me for the GlobalGayz story on gay life in Zambia in 2008. She passed away in September 2009 after an illness. She was a full spirit with a passion for life and for human rights. A bigger-than-life figure she was also
Gay Pride Budapest Supported by Whoopi Video
Westhampton, MA – September 1, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com For fifteen years attempts to conduct a peaceful pride parade in Budapest, Hungary have resulted in violence and arrests of right-wing groups who are fiercely homophobic. Next up is the 2009 parade on September 5 when both sides of the battle will gear up for
New Book by Matthew Shepard’s Mother, Advocate for Hate Crimes Bill
Westhampton, MA – August 30, 2009 Richard Ammon – GlobalGayz.com Can there be any stronger sacrifice to the cause of truth or principle than the death of a person? The truth is that Matthew Shepard was gay. His murderers killed him for the vague principle that killing or maiming gays is okay. Sanctioned homophobia comes
Major Lesbian Publication Issued from Copenhagen Conference
Posted by Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.comI was fortunate to attend the July 2009 OutGames and Human Rights Conference in Copenhagen, Denmarkwhere the following publication was presented by ILGA on behalf of worldwide lesbian activists and supporters. In the past decade lesbians have taken their full place on the world stage of human rights advocacy. Once relegated
Gay Rights Organizations react to Death of Ted Kennedy
“For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.” From GlobalGayz.com: Richard Ammon, owner Westhampton, MA I grew up with the Kennedys in our government, the longest serving being Ted Kennedy. He was a presence in my life
Leading Spiritual Teacher in India Discusses Being Gay as it Applies to Spirituality
Copenhagen, Denmark – July 26, 2009 Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.com Many years ago, I attended a couple of seminars offered by this “guru” when he was little known. Today he is one of India‘s most respected spiritual teachers, and I came across an article about what he recently said about being gay. So much has been
Jordanian Publisher Puts Muslim Gays at Risk with Botched Book Title Translation
Westhampton, MA – July 12, 2009 Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.com Gay Muslim book translates into possible trouble. GlobalGayz protests “perverted” book title used for Arab translation of book about gay Muslims Today’s New York Post carried the following story about the newly published book Gay Travels in the Muslim World. The book is a collection of
It’s Normal to be Gay: Worldwide Gay Survey
Intro: Despite daunting persecution of gays in many countires, a guest author surveys mid-nineties optimistic gains in gay expression, gay pride activity and legal status around the world. Bangkok by John Duvoli The Economist Revised June 1, 2008 Photos by Richard Ammon Across the world a radical idea about homosexuals is gaining ground:
John Ammon Remembered
John Ammon Remembered (1888-1918) John in his twenties (1908-13) with camera Also see: John Ammon Photo Gallery Photo Galleries of World War 1: Northern France where John’s company fought and John died. Introduction to a Short Life How are people remembered after they die? Unless blessed or cursed with fame or infamy, the departed