Book review: THE LAND NEAR OZ: TWO GAY YANKEES MOVE TO NEW ZEALAND In this book, memoirist and humorist Aaron Allbright examines the mystical fringes of life with a side of love and a little hash. Filled with great affection, indescribable moments of serendipity, and a few cattle calls, this debut is a raucous spot
New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, situated about 2000 km (1250 miles) southeast of Australia. The indigenous MÄori named New Zealand Aotearoa. Political power is held by the democratically elected Parliament of New Zealand under the leadership of the Prime Minister. The open economy is known for being one of the world’s most free market capitalist economies. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered citizens have most of the same rights as other people in New Zealand. This near-equality is a relatively recent development; sex between men was only decriminalized in 1986. New Zealand does not have specific transgender anti-discrimination laws, although New Zealand’s anti-discrimination laws are now thought to cover members of the trans communities. The Property (Relationships) Act 2000 gives de facto couples, whether opposite or same sex, the same property rights as existed since 1976 for married couples. There are lively gay communities on both the North and South Islands, especially in the major cities.

Gay New Zealand
Intro: A drive across the breadth and length of this adventure-land reveals a biodiversity of nature, from ancient forests to dense glaciers, from ragged fjords to calm penguin beaches, from postcard villages to boiling volcanoes. Among the population another sort of diversity exists: age-old Maori tribal ways, conservative British traditionalists and a colorful, out-proud Lesbigay
Another Gay Ambassador Appointed
Richard Ammon, Laguna Beach California Now for some good news among the waves of homophobia swirling around these days, especially from Africa. The new USA ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa was sworn in the other day. Not a major political jolt or international flap but a decidedly moving event considering that the new
Once Upon a Glacier
A half day trek into a snowy wilderness of danger and beauty.