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Gay Honduras: Hidden, But Busy and Present 2010

Intro: Honduras does not come up as a gay mecca on any scale and I expected as much. But to my pleasant surprise I found the capital, Tegucigalpa, to be home to a bustling community of LGBT groups and activists. All it took was connecting with the right person who knew just about everything and everyone. So I was escorted to the half dozen beehives where LGBT life is alive and well–despite the political chaos.

Letter from Gay Honduras

February 5, 2010 Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz Honduras It’s February 5 and the temperature is 100 degrees (F) in the village of Copan Ruines, Honduras where ancient Mayan ruins have baked under the hot sun for over 1500 years. Honduras is one of those ‘throw-away countries that hardly registers on any international scale of influence, enterprise

Gay Rights Activist Murdered in Honduras

Richard Ammon, December 17, 2009 Once again we are humbled and infuriated that yet another courageous gay activist has been gunned down for his human rights work. In a previous blog we considered the irrational persecution and killing of LGBT (gay) people across the world and how human fear and hatred make us inhumane.