The Scourge of Homosexuality Serbia is in the throes of changing from a harsh war-torn society to a free-thinking free-enterprise nation of progress. Having suffered from its own aggressions as well Nato’s bombs in the 90’s there is little tolerance now for outside interference or for social experiments. Homosexuality is treated as a scourge with
In 1994 male homosexuality became legal in Serbia, with an Age of Consent of eighteen for anal intercourse between males and fourteen for other sexual practices. Then, an equal Age of Consent of fourteen was introduced on January 1, 2006, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender. While same-sex couples have never been recognized by law, the new Serbian constitution, adopted in November of 2006, has an outright ban on same-sex marriages and other forms of recognition, such as domestic partnerships, civil unions, etc. Homosexuals are banned from military service; however proving that an individual is a homosexual is uncommon since the process for doing so is very difficult and embarrassing, with numerous psychological sessions every couple of years. The Serbian army goes by a ‘Don’t ask, Don’t tell’ policy similar to the one in the United States armed forces. Gays and lesbians continue to face discrimination and harassment in Serbia. The majority of Serbian people display vast anti-gay attitudes. There have been numerous instances of violent gay-bashing, the most extreme during the first Belgrade Gay Pride.