Introduction The country may be homophobic and the politicians and clerics may be close-minded but that does not stop Uganda’s LGBT activists from charging on with hope and integrity. In Memorium: On February 26, 2011 one of Uganda’s finest and most outspoken LGBT rights activist, David Kato, was murdered in cold blood in his home. Friends and
Uganda is the first country in the world to have a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage (since 2004). It has become the ‘poster child’ for irrational hysteric societies that rant and rave against homosexuality. Whipped up by American evangelicals who traveled to Uganda to brainwash some politicians about the dangers of same-sex attraction the country passed a draconian law that further criminalized LGBT people beyond the already existing laws against being gay. As a result there has been a significant increase in harassment and violence against LGBTs. However on August 1, 2014 the Ugandan Constitutional court declared the law to be invalid because it was improperly passed by parliament–approved without a quorum. The law was struck down. For now.

Gay Uganda: A Dangerous Place
Dangerous liaisons: Meeting up with Uganda LGBT activists Sam Ganafa and Long Jones By JP Conly, RN January 23rd, 2014 Originally published i the San diego Gay and Lesbian News Before traveling to Uganda I heard about the shocking arrest of Sam Ganafa, an LGBT activist who is executive director of Spectrum Uganda Initiative and
Uganda : Homophobic Law Passed
How things quickly turned wrong in Uganda JP Conly December 27th, 2013 Originally published in the San Diego Gay and Lesbian News Since JP Conly returned home the Uganda Parliament voted, on 20 December 2013, to approve the Anti-Homosexuality Bill that creates harsh prison sentences for anyone convicted of being a “repeat offender” and sends
Uganda: Grateful to Volunteer
Grateful to volunteer in Uganda By JP Conly, RN December 12th, 2013 This is the first of three reports originally published in the San Diego Gay and Lesbian News. (JP Conly, a nurse from San Diego, found clinic conditions to be minimal in Uganda and their need for our help) As a nurse and a
Gay Uganda: a Bigot’s View
A biased news article composed by an ill-informed reporter about gays in the capital city Kampala. It is poorly focused, punctuated with useless hearsay including quotes from ‘professionals’ with outdated and irrelevant ideas about the ’cause’ of homosexuality. It’s a daunting–and typical–introduction to Ugandan public attitudes toward lesbigay citizens in that country.