By David Kuria Founding Director, Gay and Lesbian Coalition Kenya (GALCK) August 2012 Here is update on the LGBT situation in Kenya for our LGBT community in recent years. I have focused on the broader picture of the movement and the social scene. Having been involved as the first director, of Galck, it is likely
The country is named after Mount Kenya, a very significant landmark and the second highest mountain peak of Africa. Violent riots followed the flawed national elections in December 2007. 1500 people were killed in ethnic and political fighting. On 28 February 2008, an agreement on the formation of a coalition government was signed in which the opposition leader would become Kenya’s second Prime Minister. The Penal Code criminalizes homosexual behavior and attempted homosexual behavior between men, which is referred to as “carnal knowledge against the order of nature”. The penalty is 5 to 14 years’ imprisonment (rarely enforced). Lesbian relations are not prohibited in the law.

Kenya – Nairobi: Kibera Slum
The huge Kibera slum suburb of Nairobi–as well as the Methare-North slum–was the scene of violent riots and killings that erupted after the flawed presidential election in December 2007. These photos were taken during a pause in the violence. I visited the area accompanied by a friend, Thomas Gale, a university professor in Nairobi who
Kenya – Nairobi: Methare Slum
This slum suburb of Nairobi, as well as the Kibera slum, was the scene of violent riots and killings that erupted after the flawed presidential election in December 2007. These photos were taken during a pause in the violence. I visited the area accompanied by a friend, Thomas Gale, a university professor in Nairobi who
Kenya – Nairobi: Bomas Museum
This national outdoor museum near Nairobi displays various tribal houses found throughout Kenya and also offers colorful dance programs from the tribes. There are more than fifty tribes in Kenya. Not far away is the Karen Blixen Museum dedicated to the authoress of ‘Out of Africa’. Her original house stands near one of the coffee
Kenya – Nairobi: National Game Park
The Nairobi National Park is unusual in that it is virtually inside the Nairobi city limits. Animals graze in view of the city’s skyscrapers. Nevertheless it contains a wide variety of animals.
Kenya – Nairobi: City (1)
Kenya has been among Africa’s economic and political ‘successes’ since independence in 1963. Nairobi is one of the continent’s premier cities. I arrived two days after the national presidential elections on December 27, 2008. The results were angrily disputed and riots broke out all over the country. Some of the images (#40-52) here reveal the
Kenya – Nairobi: City (2)
Kenya has been among Africa’s economic and political ‘successes’ since independence in 1963. Nairobi is one of the continent’s premier cities. I arrived two days after the national presidential elections on December 27, 2008. The results were angrily disputed and riots broke out all over the country. Some of the images (Nairobi Gallery 1, #40-52)