Gay Life in Beijing, China: Shiny Windows and Shadow Lives China has a population estimated at 1.3 billion people. A conservative estimate of 5% makes for 65 million LGBT citizens. But one would never know it given the invisibility of the community there. October 2013 By Richard Ammon (Note: this story is only
Regarding homosexuality, sodomy was decriminalized in 1997, and the new Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses in 2001. The situation has continued to evolve. There is no explicit law against homosexuality, neither are there laws protecting gays from discrimination. It is believed that the Chinese policy towards gay issues remains the “Three nos”: no approval, no disapproval, and no promotion.

Gay China 2007
Intro: “China is actually very misunderstood. During the last three national Peoples Congress meetings in China proposals have been presented to legalize same sex relationships.” So reports an American gay businessman living in China who wants to share the ‘good news’ about modern China and its emerging gay population.
Gay China 1998
A cruise down the murky waters of the Yangzte River led to the city of Wuhan where the gay scene is also murky. But in Beijing and Shanghai gays are more prosperous and homosexuality is coming out with the help of media stories and the Internet.
Gay China: Shanghai 2000
Not all gay people live in the dark shadows of China, away from the new prosperity. A number of ‘nouveau comrades’ in Shanghai live well and socialize in warm friendship networks. They tote cell phones, speak fluent English and have above-average incomes; several are in loving relationships. They live active, productive and eventful lives–part of the emerging ‘guppie’ class.
Mei Ling: Mao’s Secret Retreat
Intro: Far from the corridors of present-day power in Beijing, the city of Wuhan is home to a strange and little-known retreat where China’s fate was once determined. Mao Zedong’s private villa still stands as a memorial to a by-gone era that altered the course of modern Asia.