Gay Life in Austria–Graz City 2016

  By Richard Ammon May 2016 Also see: Austria Photo Galleries Austria News & Reports Archive   This trip I visited Vienna and Graz (the second largest city in Austria) where LGBT life thrives not in abundant quantity but in quiet quality. A week in Graz is a walk through a wonderland of picturesque

Gay Syrian Asylum Seekers Face Threats From Fellow Refugees in Europe

As if fleeing from tyranny and war are not enough, Syrian LGBT refugees face continued abuse and hostility from other non-gay refugees in Europe.   By Anthony Faiola Washington Post October 24, 2015   Dresden, Germany Rami Ktifan made a snap decision to come out. A fellow Syrian had spotted a rainbow flag lying

Gay Ukraine After the Revolution: Life is Dangerous

Activist Globa Bogdan, who had his hopes for Kiev Pride dashed this year, says the culture of machismo threatens LGBT Ukrainians.   By Thom Senzee July 09 2014 The Advocate ( (Photo right: activist Globa Bogdan at Baltimore Pride 2013 ) For Bogdan Globa, founder and executive director of Tochka Opory|Fulcrum, an LGBT rights advocacy

The Difference Between Regression and Progress; Between Retrograde Stupidity About Human Sexuality and Intelligent Scientific Evidence

Read Here The Difference Between Regression and Progress; Between Retrograde Stupidity About Human Sexuality and Intelligent Scientific Evidence; Between Russia and USA. Russia Moscow police on Saturday detained two women attempting to hold an unsanctioned Gay Pride demonstration. According to the AP, the demonstration took place across from the Moscow mayor’s office. Reuters reported that

Gay Ukraine Up Close

Introduction Here are two personal testimonies from gay Ukrainian men who know well the ardors of living gay in Ukraine. The first is from a well know TV entertainer and singer who quit the scene rather than be humiliated. The second is by an angry man who has felt confined and limited by his society

Gay Life in Kosovo

Introduction: Kosovo has had a difficult time becoming a nation and developing  “Gay Life in Kosovo” has been even harder.  Captured by the Ottomans then the Serbians subsumed into socialist Yugoslavia, then split off as part of independent Serbia in 1989 and again split off from Serbia to become an independent country in 2008. It’s no wonder such a struggle for identity and survival has left little time for such delicate issues as human rights,  arts and letter–and especially for gay equal rights. Finding a decent gay life has not been and will not be easy for native citizens or western visitors.

The following is a lengthy collection of reports that attempt to portray the patchwork LGBT situation that is gay Kosovo, a nation torn by strife and hardship and warfare over the past century. It is not a simple story and not a glorious one. Homosexual citizens in Kosovo are far from equal in dignity, freedom and respect. One may hope that joining the European Union will slowly wean the country away from the crime of deep homophobia.

Sexuality and Law

International human rights law today stands on the United Nations Charter of 1945, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the European Convention on Human Rights of 1950, and two UN 1966 treaties: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. These initiatives have

How Far Away is Hope For LGBT People?

As I travel the world interviewing LGBT people about their lives, their cultures and countries I hear stories of effort, strategy, frustration and achievement. One question I have failed to ask these courageous activists, some risking their lives, is “how far away is hope?” How far away is hope for equality, tolerance, acceptance, relationship recognition,

Gay Rights and Life in Cameroon

Homosexuals are subject to attacks and abuse in Cameroon From: November 4, 2010 Report: Criminalizing Identities – Rights Abuses in Cameroon Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. From: Alternatives-Cameroun, L’Association pour la defense des Droits des Homosexuels; Human Rights Watch; and the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission Douala, Cameroon Couples in

Gay Life in Lebanon: Bounce Back Beirut

Intro: An intrepid Dutch reporter ventures into the mixed-message country of Lebanon to experience the glitter and fears of gay life in Beirut. During his visit he discovers the fashionable avenues of Gemmayzeh and the tense streets of Dahiyeh (controlled by Hezbollah) yet finding gay life in both. The conclusion is that LGBT life is not widespread or publicly celebrated but is progressing and tolerated thanks to courageous club owners and Helem human rights group.

Uganda: Stealing the Spotlight From President Museveni

Neophyte Legislator Proposes Deadly Laws Against Gays: Unleashes International Protest Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz Laguna Beach, CA Yoweri Museveni has been president of Uganda for 24 years in a country that had suffered decades of government corruption, mismanagement, bloody guerilla activity and civil war, all preceded by the the horrors of the Idi Amin tyranny in

Major Lesbian Publication Issued from Copenhagen Conference

Posted by Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.comI was fortunate to attend the July 2009 OutGames and Human Rights Conference in Copenhagen, Denmarkwhere the following publication was presented by ILGA on behalf of worldwide lesbian activists and supporters. In the past decade lesbians have taken their full place on the world stage of human rights advocacy. Once relegated